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电推剪 儿童理发剪 GD-270 hair clipper

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-02-06 12:26
20.00元/ 个
1000 个
100000 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:浙江
  • 收藏本公司 人气:804
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    固特曼电器有限公司位于产业发达城市中国余姚,是一家管理现代化、产品营销全球化、办公操作智能化、技术开发、设计全能化的专业剃须刀企业;公司拥有员工一百多名。中高层管理人员数十名,建筑面积两万多平方米;公司董事长兼总经理陈站军先生率先感知产业的国内市场需求,秉承“人无我有 人有我专&dquo;的经营理念,率领高效研发团队和精英营销团队,以敢为人先的胆识和决策开拓国际和国内市场,成为国内剃须刀行业的生产和营销的领先者,公司通过ISO9001国际体系认证及欧共体CE认证,产品远销香港、意大利、韩国、阿联酋、美国、中东等国家和地区,并在全国大中城市建设了快速销售网络和办事机构,固特曼产品以优良的服务,卓越的品质深得国内外消费者的好评和赞誉,实现了企业发展中量与质的腾飞,我们将努力创造固特曼更加光辉灿烂的未来Electic Co., Ltd. is located in industial solid Teman developed Yuyao City China, is a modenization of management, globalization of poduct maketing, office opeations intelligence, technology development, design and all-ound pofessional azo companies; company has a staff of moe than a hunded.Dozens of senio and middle management, building aea of ??20,000 squae metes; chaiman and geneal manage M. Chen Zhanjun the fist peception of the domestic maket demand industy, adheing to the "no I have my special someone" business philosophy, led by high-R & D team and elite maketing team, the couage to be pionees and ion-making to develop the intenational and domestic makets, become the azo industy leade in the poduction and maketing of the company though the ISO9001 cetification and CE cetificate, the poduct is fasales in Hong Kong, Italy, Koea, UAE, USA, Middle East and othe counties and egions, and cities in the county building a sales netwok and offices fast, solid Teman poducts with excellent sevice, excellent quality has won domestic and foeign consumespaise and paise, to achieve the business development in the quantity and quality of take-off, we will stive to ceate a moe billiant futue solid Teman



