1,Output Cuent: 200mA
2,High Input Voltage: 6V
3,Low Dopout Voltage
4,Specified fom: -40℃~+85℃
5,Low Quiescent Cuent: 0.8μA
6,only 1μF Output Capacito Requied fo Stability
7,Oveload/Ove Tempeatue Potection
8,Fixed Output Voltage: 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.8V, 3.0V, 3.1V, 3.3V, 5.0V
9,SOT-23-3L/ SOT-23-5L/ SOT-89-3L Packages
lCDMA/GSM Cellula Handsets
lHand-Held Instuments
lPotable Infomation Appliances
lBattey-Poweed Equipment
lLaptop, Palmtops, Notebook Computes
The H74XX seies is a goup of 200mA low dopout linea egulato optimized to povide a high pefomance solution to low powe system.
The device offes a new level of cost-effective pefomance in cellula phones, laptop and notebook computes, and othe potable devices. Popietay design techniques ensue high pefomance.
The H74XX is designed to make use of low cost ceamic capacitos which ensue the stability of the output cuent, and enhance the efficiency in ode to polong the battey life of those potable devices.
The H74XX egulatos ae available in the industy standad SOT-23-3L/ SOT-23-5L/SOT-89-3L packages.